12/24/2023 Frohe Weihnachten und ein gesundes neues Jahr General Atomics Europe wünscht Frohe Weihnachten und ein gesundes neues Jahr.Wir wünschen unseren Kunden, Geschäftspartnern, Mitarbeiterinnen,…
12/08/2023 EST Energetics GmbH launches new website and presents its service portfolio with a modern, user-friendly design EST Energetics GmbH, which is active in the recycling and disposal of lithium metal batteries, airbags, ammunition and fireworks, has launched its new…
12/05/2023 General Atomics Europe presents new website - focus on the Group's strategic pillars General Atomics Europe has launched the Group's new website, marking the next important milestone in the Group's external presentation. The German…
09/25/2023 EST at Oberlausitzer Karrieretage On September 23 and 24, our EST Energetics team was at the Oberlausitzer Karrieretage 2023 in Löbau. The various career opportunities in our company…
09/22/2023 Recycling company EST Energetics GmbH celebrates roofing ceremony for new recycling building in Rothenburg/Oberlausitz EST Energetics GmbH celebrates the next important milestone of the construction measures on the company premises. After a fire damaged parts of the…
06/01/2023 EST Energetics restarts recycling operations after fire damage and is looking for new employees in Rothenburg/Oberlausitz The recycling company EST Energetics GmbH has good news to report: after extensive maintenance and repair work, the German company successfully…
10/22/2022 General Atomics Europe celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Group in Germany The General Atomics Europe Group (GA-Europe), headquartered in Dresden, is celebrating its 30th anniversary. Shortly after German reunification, it…
03/22/2022 Technology group General Atomics Europe opens capital city office headed by Frank Sitta The technology group General Atomics Europe is strengthening its presence in Germany and is opening an office in the capital in Berlin's government…