Your reliable partner for environmentally compliant recycling and recovery of hazardous materials.

Recycling from Oberlausitz - for Europe
EST Energetics is a certified specialist company for recycling, disposal and thermal processing of lithium metal batteries, airbags, fireworks and other pyrotechnic items, as well as ammunition in an environmentally compliant and safe way.

Thermal processing plant
The centerpiece of our company is the thermal processing plant, which for a long time was the largest and most efficient of its kind in the world. It consists of a rotary kiln with ceramic, a lightly armored steel rotary kiln as well as a waste gas purification and electric power generation plant. The waste gas purification system achieves purification values that are well below the prescribed limits of the German Federal Immission Control Act.
The plant has a recycling capacity of about 5,000 tons per year. The electrical energy generated is used at our site.